Great news, everyone-- I've gotten a job in Chicago and I'm relocating there within the next two weeks! I'm super-excited... Chicago has an active vegan community, lots of running groups, and some other things I'm interested in (I might start doing yoga classes!) And I'll be learning to brave city traffic on bike.
This year in Michigan was very lonely and isolating and stressful so I'm really looking forward to being in a city again. I got an apartment in a cool neighborhood where I can walk here and there easily, and I'm 2.5 miles from the lakeshore bike trail where I could run along Lake Michigan. I'll be on a tighter budget, but that just means I'll be doing more cooking and less depressed-eating-packaged-crap-food that I probably shouldn't be eating anyhow. I'll also be living only a mile from my brother and we've never lived in the same city as adults, so I'm looking forward to that too.
I know I've said this before, but I really want to start blogging more again... for the short-term, I might be posting more recipes. I thought about starting a new recipe blog, but I like this blog... so I may as well just keep hanging out here.